Friday, August 16, 2013

The Operation

So there I am all checked in and ready to go the day of my operation.  I get some vitals taken, get some blood drawn, get some pre photos taken, height, weight, temperature, the whole deal, and then we go up to my private room to put on the shortest gown I have ever seen (although to be fair I am 6'3").  After a little bit of time, I get put in a wheel chair and sent down to get X-Rays.  I think to myself, what in god's name do I need X-Rays for?  But that thought lingers only momentarily as I realize the two X-Ray Tech's cant get the machine to power on.  I sit there watching them flip breakers for what seems like 30 minutes before they go and get the grounds keeper (well probably the maintenance man) who of course is not in any type of clean hospital type clothing.  After he fails to get the machine to turn on, I start re-assuring myself that I have not made a poor choice despite what I am seeing.

After maybe 45 minutes, someone else has shown up and has no problems immediately turning the machine on.  Alright, we are back on the track despite being an hour late to the supposed time the operation was supposed to start.  We knock out the X-Rays and roll over to the surgery wing.  When I get to the operating room I am more than happy to see what it looks like.  Everything nice and clean, everything looking brand new, more than up to western standards.  The doctor is there and we start chatting while I am getting hooked up (although the nurses seem upset to have waited so long).  The anesthesiologist gets me all setup and talks to me through the process and what to expect.  The marker is put all over my areas to signify what is going to happen and then the cleaning of the body starts.  As the nurse (who looks like an angel) does this the doctor jokingly says to me "she (the nurse) wanted me to tell you she doesn't have a boyfriend".  I am feeling quite comfortable with the staff and especially the doctor.

I had my procedure on 8/15/2013 at around 7 pm Thailand time.

I wake up sometime later (not sure how long) in my private room where my friend is waiting for me.  They took out 5000 CC's of fat in the abs, love handles, and chest all in the same procedure.  I feel like I have done 20 million sit-ups and cannot use my abs to sit myself up.  I do use the railings on the bed to pull myself up and while I am doing so I am feeling quite a bit of pain.  I decline the morphine from the nurse as I have no pain while I am laying down, sitting up, or standing.  See the pain is only in the process of changing to those positions... probably because the core of my body (all the ab muscles) are bruised from the procedure.

I have never been one who sleeps on my back (always my side) so it was a rough night of waking up every 2 hours and returning to sleep.  The staff had brought in the 5000 CC's of fat that they had removed and had it displayed in the room because apparently some people like to take it home.  I told them this isn't Fight Club and I'm not making any soap (they didn't understand).  The doctor came in the following afternoon to check on all the sutures and make sure I was good to go and do some explaining to me about post operation care, what I can expect to look like over the next couple of weeks, etc etc.  What I was not told is how soon I can shower and will probably need to call him and ask because I am starting to have some funk.

For the record, I was told that bruising could last as long as 1 full month and that the puffy look (swelling) will reside and I will be able to see 100% of the results in as long as 2 months.  Of course, the possibility exists that it does not take that long.

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